
Quartz Crystals
Broad transparent spectral range from 0.2μm to 3.5μm
  • Excellent chemical, mechanical, and thermal properties
  • Good refractive properties
  • Applications: waveplates and polarization manipulation
  • Maximum size: 130x130mm in square and 150mm as diamter Inquire Us  
  • Specifications:

    Material Quartz Crystal Wavelength 150~4000nm
    Size 0.1mm-100mm Surface Quality 10/5 S/D
    Optical Axis Orientation <6 arc min Parallelism <1 arc sec
    Flatness λ/10 @ 633nm Clear Aperture >95% of full aperture
    Coating Upon Customer’s Specification


    Basic Properties:

    Crystal Class Hexagonal Molecular Weight 60.06
    Density 2.635-2.660 g/cm3@ 289 K Dielectric Constant for 3x107 Hz @295 K 35 microns
    Parallel 4.27 Perpendicular 4.34
    Reflection Loss 8.2 % for two surfaces @ 2 mm Melting Temperature 1740 K
    Specific Heat 0.17 cal/(g K)@ 273 K Knoop Hardness 741 kg/mm2
    Transmission Range 0.4 - 4.5μm Debye Temperature 470 K
    Thermal Conductivity Parallel/Perpendicular 720/370 W/(m K) @20K
    Parallel/Perpendicular 20/10W/(m K) @194K
    Parallel/Perpendicular 10.7/6.2W/(m K) @323K
    Parallel 97.2 GPa Perpendicular 76.5 GPa
    Bulk Modulus 36.4 GPa Shear Modulus 31.14 GPa
    Solubility in Water None Bandgap 8.4

    Refractive Index

    Wavelength (μm)noneWavelength (μm)noneWavelength (μm)no

    Optical grade quartz crystals have a broad transparent range of 0.2μm to 3.5μm, with high internal crystalline perfection and excellent optical homogeneity. Quartz crystals exhibit exceptional mechanical and thermal properties with low thermal expansion avoiding deformation. Furthermore, the high machinability of quartz allows for convenient engineering and adjusting of the dimensions and the designs of optics, its resistance to chemical corrosion and deliquescence attribute to superb durability. Quartz also stands out for its exceptional refractive characteristic, which makes it suitable for the manufacturing of waveplates and polarizing optics. 

    Shanghai North Optics offers optical grade quartz crystals, quartz crystal ingots, blanks, polished wafers, and substrates. The maximum size is 130x130mm square or 150mm as diamter.