Various custom wavelengths, GDD values, and mirror sizes are available, please contact us for more information.
The Chirped Mirror Pair is a mirror set consisting of two matched complementary chirped mirrors. Chirped mirror pairs are designed to provide a precise and simple approach for dispersion compensation in ultrafast laser and femtosecond laser applications. Each of these chirped mirrors is engineered with a non-uniform layer structure, creating a special dispersive mirror that introduces a wavelength-dependent phase shift. The chirped mirror pair is purposed to introduce a negative Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) for ultrafast pulses that offset the positive GDD resulting from the transmission in the optical media, ensuring efficient dispersion compensation and preservation of the pulse's peak power.
Shanghai North Optics offers Custom Ultrafast Chirped Mirror Pairs. Our chirped mirror pairs feature high reflectance, and negative group delay dispersion (GDD) oriented to compensate for dispersion in ultrafast lasers or for femtosecond laser pulses with minimal loss or deviation from the desired pulse characteristics. Various custom wavelengths, GDD values, and mirror sizes are available. Our chirped mirror pairs also exhibit very low third-order dispersion, minimizing higher-order phase shifts that can distort the pulse shape.