
GOS (Gd2O2S:Pr) Scintillator Arrays
High light output and high density, very machinable
  • Low afterglow of less than 0.1% at 3 ms and excellent moisture Resistance, good chemical stability
  • Well matched with the spectral sensitivity of silicon photodiodes (Si PD)
  • Emission peak spectral range at 470 ~ 900 nm
  • Minimum pixel or crystal element size: 0.3mm x 0.3mm
  • Applications: Computerized Tomography (CT) Scanners, security devices and non-destructive testing systems Inquire Us  
  • Basic Properties:

    Density(g/cm3) 7.34 Atomic Coefficient 60
    Molecular Formula Gd2O2S relative Molecular 378
    Hygroscopicity None Refractive Index 2.2
    Melting Point 2070°C Crystal Structure Hexagonal Crystal System
    Zeff 61.1


    Appearance Dimension Precise<0.,03mm@42x48mmFlatness<0.03@42x48mm
    Pixel Size Consistency±0.01mm
    Difference of Edge Reflection Thickness


    X-ray Photoelectric Property:

    Light Output27000 ph/MeVPeak Wavelength512nm
    Decay Time3μsAfterglow<0.1%@3ms, <0.01%@100ms
    Light Output Fluctuation of Difference Pixel≦5%Light Output Fluctuation of Difference Arrays≦10%
    Crosstalk (Cap0.085)≦8%
    Irradiation Damage of GOS Ceramic Array20% of 1 Mrad

    Gadolinium oxysulfide,  or GOS (Gd2O2S: Pr),  is a ceramic scintillation material with a hexagonal crystal structure. GOS crystal has good chemical stability, excellent machinability, and is harmless to the environment. GOS doped with rare earth ion features a high light output and a shallow level of afterglow (less than 0.1% at 3 ms). The emission peak of GOS scintillator ceramics ranges from 470nm to 900 nm, which matches well with the spectral sensitivity of silicon photodiodes (Si PD).

    Shanghai North Optics offers GOS scintillator arrays with linear or two-dimensional designs. Our GOS scintillation arrays find widespread usage in Computerized Tomography (CT) scanners, security devices, and non-destructive testing systems. Besides, North Optics also offers GOS scintillation arrays coupled with silicon photodiodes.

    1. Curve: X-ray excited luminescence spectrum of GOS ceramic from Shanghai North Optics