
GOS:Tb Scintillatior Arrays
High light output and low after-glow
  • Ideal for pairing with detectors operating 25-130kV 
  • ultrahigh neutron capture cross-section of Gd
  • high spatial resolution
  • Applications:  CT scanners, radiation detection, security devices, and non-destructive testing Inquire Us  

    Comparison of properties with other materials

    Peak Wavelength560550510
    MorphologyCubicPoly-crystalline CeramicPoly-crystalline Ceramic
    Light Output/MeV590004650027000
    Decay Time/ns16003
    Atomic Coefficient646060
    Irradiation Damage/12%(1Mrad)6%(1Mrad)

    GOS ceramic (Gd2O2S) belongs to a hexagonal system structure. Among numerous inorganic scintillators, gadolinium oxysulfide (Gd2O2S, GOS) based materials are quite attractive for their high density (7.34 g/cm3), wide band gap (4.6 eV), and high radiation resistance. GOS doped with Tb ion features high light output, no harmful content to the environment, and low after-glow. The emission peaks range from 470 to 900 nm; it is typically paired with low energy detectors operating 25-130kV and could be used for various purposes such as CT scanners, radiation detection, security devices, and non-destructive testing.

    Recently, with the rapid development of neutron detection technology, GOS: Tb scintillator has shown excellent prospects due to its ultrahigh neutron capture cross-section of Gd, high spatial resolution, and good coupling with CCD camera (GOS has a powder-like structure, it could be coupled with sensors of any pixel size).