
Glan Taylor Polarizers
  • Extinction ratio: 20000:1 and 200000:1
  • Air-spaced construction
  • Three kinds of substrate materials: Calcite, Alpha-BBO, YVO4
  • Coating options: P-coatings and Broadband AR coatings
  • Suitable for low and medium-power applications
  • Rectangular or circular black anodized aluminum housing
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    Code Material Wavelength Aperture Extinction Ratio Mount Unit Price Delivery Cart
    20702-001 Alpha-BBO 200-300nm ɸ6mm <5x10-6 ɸ15x15mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-002 Alpha-BBO 200-300nm ɸ10mm <5x10-6 ɸ25.4x19mm Inquire 2 weeks
    20702-003 Alpha-BBO 200-300nm ɸ12.7mm <5x10-6 ɸ25.4x21mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-004 Alpha-BBO 200-300nm ɸ15mm <5x10-6 ɸ30x23mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-005 Alpha-BBO 200-300nm ɸ20mm <5x10-6 ɸ38x29mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-006 Alpha-BBO 300-700nm ɸ6mm <5x10-6 ɸ15x15mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-007 Alpha-BBO 300-700nm ɸ10mm <5x10-6 ɸ25.4x19mm Inquire 2 weeks
    20702-008 Alpha-BBO 300-700nm ɸ12.7mm <5x10-6 ɸ25.4x21mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-009 Alpha-BBO 300-700nm ɸ15mm <5x10-6 ɸ30x23mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-010 Alpha-BBO 300-700nm ɸ20mm <5x10-6 ɸ38x29mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-011 Alpha-BBO 700-3500nm ɸ6mm <5x10-6 ɸ15x15mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-012 Alpha-BBO 700-3500nm ɸ10mm <5x10-6 ɸ25.4x19mm Inquire 2 weeks
    20702-013 Alpha-BBO 700-3500nm ɸ12.7mm <5x10-6 ɸ25.4x21mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-014 Alpha-BBO 700-3500nm ɸ15mm <5x10-6 ɸ30x23mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-015 Alpha-BBO 700-3500nm ɸ20mm <5x10-6 ɸ38x29mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-016 Calcite 350-2300nm ɸ6mm <5x10-5 ɸ15x15mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-017 Calcite 350-2300nm ɸ10mm <5x10-5 ɸ25.4x19mm Inquire 2 weeks
    20702-018 Calcite 350-2300nm ɸ12.7mm <5x10-5 ɸ25.4x21mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-019 Calcite 350-2300nm ɸ15mm <5x10-5 ɸ30x23mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-020 Calcite 350-2300nm ɸ20mm <5x10-5 ɸ38x29mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-021 YVO4 500-4000nm ɸ6mm <5x10-6 ɸ15x15mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-022 YVO4 500-4000nm ɸ10mm <5x10-6 ɸ25.4x19mm Inquire 2 weeks
    20702-023 YVO4 500-4000nm ɸ12.7mm <5x10-6 ɸ25.4x21mm Inquire 4 weeks
    20702-024 YVO4 500-4000nm ɸ15mm <5x10-6 ɸ30x23mm Inquire 4 weeks

    Glan Taylor Polarizer is a polarization optic composing two wedge prisms with their slanted sides assembled with air-gap construction. To a great extent, Glan Taylor polarizers are similar to Glan laser polarizers. Glan Taylor polarizers also leverage the manipulation of angles and refraction indices to realize the screening of polarization components. The orientations of the optical axes of the first prism and the second prism are equivalent, when an incident light hits 90 degrees on one of the end faces of the polarizer, the polarizer separates the light beam into two orthogonal polarization: the s polarization (i.e. the ordinary component), the p polarization (i.e. the extraordinary polarization). The angles of the constituent prisms are contrived upon deliberation. Their optical axes are parallel to the plane of the entrance, so that when the o component and the e component enter the polarizer, the o component experiences total internal reflection (TIR) at the interface between two prisms, while the e component keeps propagating, since the incident angle at the interface is close to Brewster’s angle, a large proportion of extraordinary light is transmitted.

    Shanghai North Optics offers Stocked and Custom Glan Taylor Polarizers. Each polarizer consists of two prisms joined utilizing an air-spaced design, with the black anodized aluminum housing available in circular or rectangular forms. It is worth noting that The major difference between a Glan Taylor polarizer and a Glan laser polarizer is that a Glan Taylor polarizer does not have an escape port dug on its housing, and therefore is appropriate for low and medium power lasers, but not suggested for high-power applications.

    Three substrate materials are available: Calcite, Alpha-BBO, and YVO4. The maximum extinction ratio is a staggering 200000:1. Miscellaneous coating options including protective coating (P-coating), and broadband AR coating with transmission spectral range spanning from ultraviolet, visible, to infrared are procurable. Standardized aperture sizes are accessible in stock, including:φ6mm, φ10mm, φ12.7mm, φ15mm, and φ20mm. Other sizes are available upon request. Besides, North Optics also offers a full portfolio of Glan polarizers, including Glan Laser Polarizers, which are capable of handling higher power, and Glan Thompson Polarizers which feature large acceptance angles, if you are interested, you might click on the bold text to learn more.

    Common Specifications:

    Item Calcite a-BBO YVO4
    Wavelength Range 350-2000nm 190-3500nm 500-4000nm
    Extinction Ratio <5x10-5 <5x10-6 <5x10-6
    Surface Quality 20/10 S/D
    Beam Deviation < 3 arc minutes
    Wavefront Distortion <λ/4@633nm
    Damage Threshold >200MW/cm2@1064nm, 20ns, 20Hz
    Coating P Coating Or AR Coating
    Mount Black Anodized Aluminium


    Field of View (FOV) against Wavelength