Shortpass Filters, also named Shortpass Edge Filters, are a kind of optical bandpass filters that transmit wavelengths shorter than a specific wavelength (the cut-off wavelength) of the filter. The thin-film coatings and absortive glass are engineered to interact with the incoming light and provide a cut-off slope establishing the transition between a region of high rejection and a region of high transmission. Shortpass filters represent a fundamental component within the realm of optical engineering, offering precise control over the transmission of light across different wavelengths.
Shanghai North Optics supplies Custom Shortpass Filters. At its core, the selective behavior of a shortpass filter is achieved through the strategic implementation of specialized coatings or materials with distinct optical properties. North Optics utilizes vacuum coating facilities, the TiO2 and SiO2 coatings are formed in a circulating evaporation course, offering exceptional steepness of the transition between transmission and blocking regions. The blocking wavelength ranges of our shortpass filters extend from UV to IR, accommodating numerous spectral operations. Our shortpass filters empower users with excellent optical results in various applications including spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, sensor technologies, etc.