
GaN Crystals and Wafers
Wide direct band gap, strong atomic bonds, and high thermal capacity/conductivity
  • Stable physical and chemical properties
  • Excellent optoelectronic properties in the short wavelength range
  • Typical orientation of GaN wafers: C-Axis or <0001>
  • Applications: blue, green, and UV-light LED, blue and UV light laser diodes (LD), high-power electronic devices, and high-frequency electronic devices
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    Type GaN-FS-10 GaN-FS-15
    Size 10.0mm×10.5mm 14.0mm×15.0mm
    Thickness Rank 300, Rank 350,
    Rank 400
    300 ± 25 µm, 350 ± 25 µm,
    400 ± 25 µm
    Orientation C-axis(0001) ± 0.5°
    TTV ≤15 µm
    BOW ≤20 µm
    Carrier Concentration >5x1017/cm3 /
    Conduction Type N-type Semi-Insulating
    Resistivity(@300K) < 0.5 Ω•cm >106 Ω•cm
    Dislocation Density Less than 5x106 cm-2
    Usable Surface Area > 90%
    Polishing Front Surface: Ra < 0.2nm. Epi-ready polished
    Back Surface: Fine ground
    Package Packaged in a class 100 clean room environment,
    in single wafer containers, under a nitrogen atmosphere.


    Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a semiconductor material with a wide direct bandgap (3.4 eV), strong atomic bonds (which contribute to its stable physical and chemical properties), exceptional thermal properties, and excellent radiation resistance. GaN (Gallium Nitride) crystals and wafers exhibit superior optoelectronic properties at short wavelengths, making them useful in LED applications (blue, green, UV-light) and ultraviolet detectors. GaN crystals and wafers are also suitable for manufacturing high-temperature semiconductor devices. 

    Shanghai North Optics offers custom gallium nitride wafers and substrates according to customer's request, options including N-type and semi-insulating types of GaN wafers are available. Our gallium nitride crystals and wafers are widely used in various LEDs, blue light laser diodes ultra-violet (UV) laser diodes (LD), and electronic devices operating at high power and high frequencies.